We are delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with global debt collection specialists Debitura.
International debt recovery is something we have always offered at Safe Collection. Trade is a global phenomenon, and unpaid invoices and bad debts don’t stop at the border. It’s also true that chasing monies owed in different jurisdictions presents significant challenges – challenges that affected businesses can often find overwhelming.
We have been helping clients collect overdue B2B accounts and unpaid export invoices from overseas for more than three decades, using a network of quality-assured, highly professional local partners.
Working with Debitura will further extend our reach and our capabilities in international debt recovery. Debitura was founded by a team of seasoned debt collection professionals with decades of experience working for some of the largest agencies in the world. With a focus squarely on cross-border debt recovery, the company has established a hugely impressive network of 500+ local partners in 183 countries around the world.
In the past 18 months, Debitura has recovered more than $100m in overdue debt, with a success rate of 87%.
Debt recovery with integrity
One thing that is a non-negotiable for us when it comes to operational partnerships is that we will only work with people who share our values around debt recovery. We vet all potential partners to ensure they approach debt collection in the same fair and ethical manner to which we are committed. Debitura fits perfectly with out ethos.
Debitura operates what it calls a “no cure, no pay” pledge, which means it only charges for successful cases – just as we do. Another important alignment is the emphasis on pre-legal debt recovery. At Safe Collections, we always view legal action as a final recourse when all other avenues are exhausted. Through professional communication and sympathetic arbitration, the vast majority of debt disputes can be resolved without the need to get lawyers involved.
While pre-legal debt recovery is Debitura’s main focus, it also offers services supporting small claims procedures through court systems around the world, and provides assistance finding lawyers on the ground to represent you should monetary disputes escalate. Again, these are excellent additions to the international services we already provide, and further strengthen our capabilities to help every client with every kind of debt dispute, no matter where it happens.
We look forward to a long and prosperous partnership with Debitura, and most importantly, to bringing an even better level of service to our clients.