How to deal with a client that always pays late

Most businesses have experienced the worry and inconvenience of a client that always pays late. Short of ditching the client (and we are perfectly comfortable with advocating that as a tactic), there’s no rapid solution to the problem. But you can improve your chances of getting paid if you subtly change your credit control processes.

In this article we will explore a few easy ways to help you manage those 'tricky' clients and the excuses they use to delay payment beyong agreed credit terms.

Can Your Client Pay?

This may seem obvious, but can your client or customer actually afford to pay your unpaid invoice? If they can afford to pay, will they pay on time (if at all)? The only way to get answers to these important questions is to source credit information, either from a third party provider or direct from Companies House.

If you are new to credit reports Safe Collections have some tips on how you can find the data you need to make an informed credit decision.

Unpaid Invoice? What Now?

When you have an unpaid invoice, it can be difficult to know how to handle it especially if you are a small or micro business. Profitable business relationships are built on personal relationships so it can feel tricky to pursue what is owed without damaging the relationship.

But business is business and you are doing nothing wrong in expecting prompt payment from your customers and by chasing your money if they fail to pay as agreed. So what is the process for chasing up an unpaid invoice?

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