It’s not often a company like ours faces problems with payments, after all most of our customers are more than happy to be charged by us as this usually means we have recovered what they are owed. But like all businesses we occasionally encounter issues with clients that don’t like to pay on time, or in fact at all. That’s why we’ve chosen to open our “2018 Safe Collections – Late Payment Hall of Shame” featuring companies that have failed to honour their agreements with us.
We have a new entry in our “Late Payment Hall of Shame” with Mayday Recruitment Limited. Mayday Recruitment Ltd (company number 10986865) was incorporated on the 28th of September 2017 and is based in sunny Slough, Berkshire. It’s two directors are Denis Ibrahimi and Kevin Okyere engaged us to try and collect a debt on their behalf from their insolvent customer and it is a case we gladly took on.
Unfortunately Mayday Recruitment Limited and it’s directors Denis Ibrahimi and Kevin Okyere decided not to pay our invoices for services rendered, resulting in us securing a county court judgment against the company Mayday Recruitment Limited for the princely sum of £152.00 on the 24th of September 2018, just four days short of the anniversary of the company’s incorporation.
Whilst we are sure this is just an oversight on the part of Mayday Recruitment Limited and its directors Denis Ibrahimi and Kevin Okyere our judgment still hasn’t been paid.
So a big welcome from everyone at Safe Collections to our newest Hall of Shame members Mayday Recruitment Limited and its directors Denis Ibrahimi and Kevin Okyere!